Content Creator Apprenticeship

Content Creator
Apprenticeship Level 3

Content Creator Apprenticeship Level 3 Overview

A Content Creator (also referred to as a Creative Content Assistant) is responsible for developing and creating content that can be used across a variety of media including digital, social media, broadcast or in print. Working to the customer/client brief, they research, prepare and develop the media messaging to maximise audience engagement, capturing the strategy and objectives of the brand and needs of the customer they are representing.

The content they create can be used as part of media, advertising and marketing campaigns. They have to capture what is exciting about a campaign and design the elements that can be used across media platforms and channels. Junior Content Producers collaborate with designers and developers, using authoring languages to create content for the World Wide Web, which may include video, images, text (or “copy”) and web pages and social media content, so enthusiasm for technology and creating great online experiences is a must.

They can work in advertising, marketing or digital agencies, or in interactive roles for broadcasters. Content Creators may progress into Content Creation/Development roles at more senior levels across the industry, including with digital agencies, broadcasters and publishers.

Details Of The Programme

This apprenticeship usually takes 14 months to complete during which you will participate in training, development and ongoing review activities.

This apprenticeship covers the professional behaviours, knowledge and skills that are required of a Junior Content Producer:

  • Analyse the differences between media campaigns aimed at retention, acquisition and conversion of customers for clients
  • Identify & recommend the appropriate platform/s or channel/s to use for the media campaign
  • Understand the user experience to ensure content is focused on maximising engagement
  • Optimise webpage content to ensure high rankings in search engine results
  • Use industry-standard tools and content management systems to manage content
  • Assist in hosting message boards and engaging with audiences through social media
  • Use lessons learned to evaluate the success of the campaign and identify areas for improvement for future campaigns
  • How creative content can be used across channels and platforms
  • Where content creation fits within a marketing strategy
  • The different styles of writing that can be used according to the type of campaign
  • How to manage and market their own skills and services

The End Point Assessment Process

Assessment Gateway

After a minimum of 12 months on the programme, at the assessment gateway, your employer will make the decision that you are ready to undertake the endpoint assessment.
Before going forward for endpoint assessment, you must have:

  • Achieved Level 2 English, maths (if not held)
  • Met the set skills, knowledge and behaviours of the standard
  • Achieved 20% off the job requirement
  • Completed Portfolio
End Point Assessment

Following successful completion of the Gateway, you will proceed to endpoint assessment (EPA).
The EPA is undertaken by an independent assessment organisation.
The End Point assessment components are:

  • Employer reference
  • Interview with an independent assessor
  • Summative portfolio
  • Project

All components of the endpoint assessment must be completed and an endpoint assessment grade will be determined by the endpoint assessor.

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