Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship

Customer Service Practitioner
Apprenticeship Level 2

Customer Service Practitioner Apprenticeship Level 2 Overview

The role of a customer service practitioner is to deliver high quality products and services to the customers of their organisation. Your core responsibility will be to provide a high quality service to customers which will be delivered from the workplace, digitally, or through going out into the customer’s own locality.  These may be one-off or routine contacts and include dealing with orders, payments, offering advice, guidance and support, meet-and-greet, sales, fixing problems, after care, service recovery or gaining insight through measuring customer satisfaction. You may be the first point of contact and work in any sector or organisation type.

Your actions will influence the customer experience and their satisfaction with your organisation. You will demonstrate excellent customer service skills and behaviours as well as product and/or service knowledge when delivering to your customers.  You provide service in line with the organisation’s customer service standards and strategy and within appropriate regulatory requirements.   Your customer interactions may cover a wide range of situations and can include; face-to-face, telephone, post, email, text and social media.

Details Of The Programme

This apprenticeship usually takes 12 months to complete during which you will participate in training, development and on-going review activities. This apprenticeship covers the professional behaviours, knowledge and skills that are required of a Customer Service Practitioner.


  • Knowing your customers
  • Understanding the organisation
  • Meeting regulations and legislation
  • Systems and resources
  • Your role and responsibility
  • Customer experience
  • Product and service knowledge


  • Interpersonal skills
  • Communication
  • Influencing skills
  • Personal organisation
  • Dealing with customer conflict and challenge

The End Point Assessment Process

Assessment Gateway

At the assessment gateway, your employer will make the decision that you are ready to undertake the endpoint assessment.
Before going forward for endpoint assessment, you must have:

  • Achieved Level 2 English, maths (if not held)
  • Met the set skills, knowledge and behaviours of the standard
  • Achieved 20% off the job requirement
End Point Assessment

Following successful completion of the Gateway, you will proceed to endpoint assessment (EPA).
The EPA is undertaken by an independent assessment organisation.
The End Point assessment components are:

  • Apprentices showcase
  • Practical observation
  • Professional discussion


All components of the endpoint assessment must be completed and an endpoint assessment grade will be determined by the endpoint assessor.

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