Multi-Channel Marketer Apprenticeship

Multi-Channel Marketer Apprenticeship
Level 3

Multi-Channel Marketer Apprenticeship Level 3 Overview

The primary role of a Multi-Channel Marketer is to define, design, build and implement digital campaigns across a variety of online and social media platforms to drive customer acquisition, customer engagement and customer retention.

A Multi-Channel Marketer will typically be working as part of a team, in which they will have responsibility for some of the straightforward elements of the overall marketing plan or campaign.

The marketer will work on marketing briefs and instructions. They will normally report to a digital marketing manager, a marketing manager or an IT Manager.

Details Of The Programme

This apprenticeship usually takes 14 months to complete during which you will participate in training, development and ongoing review activities. This apprenticeship covers the professional behaviours, knowledge and skills that are required of a Multi-Channel Marketer.

Course Content includes:

Technical Competence Development:

  • Cross-technology working including choice and application of solutions.
  • Using on-line and social media platforms to respond to customer queries

Technical Knowledge and Understanding:

  • Principles of coding
  • How digital platforms integrate into the working environment

Underpinning Skills, Attitudes and Behaviours:

    • Ability to communicate confidently and effectively in a variety of situations
    • Logical and creative thinking skills

To achieve the Multi-Channel Marketer apprenticeship you’ll have to complete three components:

  •  Principles of Coding
  • Google Analytics
  • Marketing Principles 

These are assessed by examinations set by the Chartered Institute of IT and regulated by Ofqual. Apprentices must pass all three modules.

The End Point Assessment Process

Assessment Gateway

After a minimum of 12 months on the programme, at the assessment gateway, your employer will make the decision that you are ready to undertake the endpoint assessment.
Before going forward for endpoint assessment, you must have:

  • Achieved Level 2 English, maths (if not held)
  • Met the set skills, knowledge and behaviours of the standard
  • Achieved 20% off the job requirement
  • Vendor Exams completed
End Point Assessment

Following successful completion of the Gateway, you will proceed to endpoint assessment (EPA).
The EPA is undertaken by an independent assessment organisation.
The End Point assessment components are:

  • Employer reference
  • Summative portfolio from real-life work projects
  • Synoptic Project – typically 4 working days assessment in a controlled environment
  • Interview with an independent assessor 

All components of the endpoint assessment must be completed and an endpoint assessment grade will be determined by the endpoint assessor.

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