HABC Certificate in Customer Service

HABC Certificate in
Customer Service

Number Of Learners

Must be a minimum of 1 learner on the course

Start Date



Fully Funded in certain regions, subject to availability and eligibility.


Learners must be over 16 and have the right to work in the UK


Via Zoom or face to face dependant on needs

Course Length

3 months

About the HABC Certificate In Customer Service Course

  • Level 2
  • Delivery of Effective Customer Service
  • Supporting the Customer Service Environment

The Customer Service Level 2 Certificate is a relatively short, sharp qualification that is perfect for learners looking to improve their knowledge of customer service and indeed the wider customer experience that their organisation is striving to achieve.

This qualification is suitable for learners wishing to improve their knowledge of the importance of customer service including how to satisfy customers expectations. It is designed for learners who deal with customers daily as part of their job role and is applicable to a variety of work.

This is a great qualification for businesses wishing to enhance their customer experience whilst providing their people with a strong qualification in customer service at level 2. We can deliver this in training sessions for groups or coaching for individuals. It remains one of our most popular qualifications due to its flexibility and connection to return on investment for our clients.

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